Saturday, December 26, 2009
Aelita had a great christmas. She really loved seeing ryan and caitlyn and asha again. She really enjoyed opening her presents too. She got a new baby doll and stroller, a puzzle, a book, a movie and a blanket that mommy made for her.She also got a snow sled from sis. and bro. Johnson and a hat and gloves from ryan. She really had a fun time. She also got the book the night before christmas from oma Judy and opa Randy. Santa brought her a box of legos. Christmas eve she got new jammies.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Excited for Christmas
Aelita is really excited to christmas to come.although today when our home teachers from church came she said that santa died(don't know where she's come up with that.) She has noticed the presents under the tree too but thinks that they are for someone else. She is also excited to see caitlyn and ryan again even if it is only for a few days. Aelita is also looking forward to a visit from Kelli probably because i'm excited about that visit but still. she keeps asking when they're coming.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
our little singer
Aelita has become quite the singer lately. She loves to sing any and everywhere. here are some of the songs she likes to sing.
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
Jesus take the wheel(bits and pieces anyway)
popcorn popping on the apricot tree
fabulous (high school musical 2)
walk away(high school musical 3)
itsy bitsy spider
twinkle twinkle little star
wheels on the bus
they're a few others that i just can't think of at the moment.
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
Jesus take the wheel(bits and pieces anyway)
popcorn popping on the apricot tree
fabulous (high school musical 2)
walk away(high school musical 3)
itsy bitsy spider
twinkle twinkle little star
wheels on the bus
they're a few others that i just can't think of at the moment.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
BYU's Earth Science Museum
Yesterday after school I picked up Aelita and Kiana from daycare and we went to BYU's Earth Science Museum. Aelita loved it and ran around looking at all the different dinosaur fossils and the different minerals and rocks. everynow and then you'd hear her say"mommy look it's a dinosaur and it's so cool." She loves science very much lately, hopefully she'll keep that love of science and school that she has right now.
looking at a tiny dino in the case
We had snow a few days ago and Aelita loved going out to play in it. We didn't really have much but it was enough to throw snowballs at each other. We had alot of fun.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Asthma Update
Aelita is handling her asthma very well. she's alway reminding me that she needs her meds. She now only takes the flovent 44 twice a day to keep it under control and takes the albuteral and flovent on her bad days. the doctor says that in a month or two we can try to take her off the flovent completely and see how she does with out it.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween
Aelita had a blast trick or treating. As we would leave on house to go to another one she would always say "hurry up guys i need to get more candy" She looked so cute as sleeping beauty too. the other thing she would say is "lets go get more candy" or "we can't go home i need more candy" All she could think about was candy oh well i guess that's what halloween is all about right. She loved being able to go around knocking on everyones door and saying trick or treat. When we got to our visting teachers house i held her little on that is only a few months old and when i asked Aelita if i should give the baby back or keep her she said that we should keep her it was kinda funny, however we did leave the baby behind as we went to get more candy.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Aelita is doing so good now. She's not coughing near as much as she was before she started taking her asthma medications. She's also very good about reminding me to give them to her(i haven't forgotten to give them to her she just likes to remind me) She also uses the "I'm Sick, Mommy" excuse to get out of cleaning up her toys or dirty clothes.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Doc Appointment
Well Aelita has had a cough for a while now that no matter what we did we just couldn't clear it up. So yesterday i took her to see Dr. Glade ,who is also our stake president, anyway, I told her about how she only coughs after she's been playing or at night when she's trying to sleep. He listened to her lungs and stuff and said that she has a slight rattle in her chest and that she has a touch of asthma. The also did an eye exam and told me that her vision was 20/25 which i already knew but at least now i know that her eyes aren't getting any worse yet. After he told me that Aelita had Asthma he gave me two options. I could either give her singular(which could cause depression in children) or a breathing treatment. With the family history of depression i went with the breathing treatment of course. She is now on albuteral and flovent 44. She is doing very well with the medication and not coughing nearly as much as she was. She is still a very active child and i don't think anything will ever slow her down. Even in the confines of the docs office she was running around and getting into everything she could(not such a good thing in a docs office that has sutures and all kinds of not so safe things in it.) Aelita is also now excatly 30 lbs. They didn't measure her though so i have no idea how tall she is except the fact that shes about a foot taller then kiana.
Friday, October 16, 2009
CD player from gama
Yesterday Aelita got a CD Player from her gama and she loves it. However, she always has the headphones glued to her ears and now it's 20x harder to get her to do anything. She also got a sleeping beauty costume for halloween and all the acessories as well as some clothes. She is so spoiled and isn't going to know when the Holidays are. Thanks gama for all the fun stuff.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
my little cook.
This girl loves to help in the kitchen and is always wanting to make pizza and cookies and anything else that she can think of. She's such a good girl, yet she's got the temper of a i don't know, i just know that she's got a really bad temper on her. Aelita has also become quite the tattle-tail lately. She's always telling me that her sister hit her or threw something at her.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Growing up way too fast
Aelita is growing up way too fast. I can't believe she's already 3 1/2. She also comes up with some of the funniest things. She loves to sing especially "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" and "I love to see the Temple"
some of her new phrases that she says:
Mom, I love you
Stop yelling at me
Don't yell at me again ok
Kiana just hit me
Any time you ask Aelita if she's cute or beautiful her response is always I'm beautiful. She's such a smart little girl. She can reconize hearts, stars, trianles, and circles. she gets confused by the squares and rectangles and ovals. She can count to 5 and has been practicing writting her letters a-h and her numbers 1-5 in her little preschool workbook. I Love Her so much and don't know what i would do with out her in my life. I hope she stays the same sweet child as she grows up and doesnt let the world change her sweet spirit.
some of her new phrases that she says:
Mom, I love you
Stop yelling at me
Don't yell at me again ok
Kiana just hit me
Any time you ask Aelita if she's cute or beautiful her response is always I'm beautiful. She's such a smart little girl. She can reconize hearts, stars, trianles, and circles. she gets confused by the squares and rectangles and ovals. She can count to 5 and has been practicing writting her letters a-h and her numbers 1-5 in her little preschool workbook. I Love Her so much and don't know what i would do with out her in my life. I hope she stays the same sweet child as she grows up and doesnt let the world change her sweet spirit.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fever is Finally Gone
Aelita's Fever is finally gone!!! Today was the first day that it was 98 every other day it's been anywhere from 99.6 to 104.1 I'm really glad that it's gone hopefully for more then just today. She's still complaining a little bit about her throat hurting but still has yet to say anything about her ear. She is also constantly reminding me that she's sick. Today's conversation: Me "Aelita pick up your toys" Aelita "I can't mommy i'm too sick remember" She's just too cute and smart for her own good sometimes.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
sore throat.
Aelita is doing a little better. she hasn't complained about her ear hurting, but is always saying that her throat hurts and sure enough its' pretty red right now. I'm hoping the amoxicillen wipes out that too along with the ear infection.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ear Infection
Well Aelita has an Ear Infection. She started running a low grade fever this morning so i gave her some motrin and took them to daycare hoping it was just a passing thing like it was with Kiana. When i picked her up from daycare she was a little warm, and didn't really want to do anything. When i got home and checked her temp it was 104.1 so i gave her some tylenol and let her lay on the couch and watch sponge bob. at around 5pm i checked her temp and it was 103.5 so i gave her some more motrin and called the P.A in our ward and he told us to bring her over so we did. I'm so glad that he hasn't started to charge us yet. poor guy we've only been in the ward for a month and he's already had to treat both my girls. I'm so gratefull he's around though that's for sure.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
new friend
Aelita has become like a shadow to Ryan, who is the youngest son of my former bishop and his wife, and Asha, who is Ryan's girlfriend. When ever they come over Aelita follows ryan everywhere he goes it's so cute and i enjoy the break when they're here. Today Aelita "helped" him pack up some more of his things out of his room and loved looking at all his football cards that he had.
Monday, September 7, 2009
seven peaks water park
Today I took Aelita to Seven peaks in provo. She loved it and had a blast. She loved swiming in the little kids area although she went down one slide and went under the water but she was ok. Even after that she continued to want to go down the slides and play in the water. we also went in the lazy river a few times too and she just loved it. I'm definitly going to try to take her and kiana next year. I'll post pics later.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
3 going on 16
Aelita is growing up so fast. This week she started daycare in Provo and loves it. She's so happy when i pick her up and tells me all the fun this she did while i was at school. She can now sing her ABC's and count to at least 10. On to the 3 going on 16 comment Aelita seems to think that she runs the world lately and that she has to eat every 5 mins. Love her more then anything but sometimes she is just a pain.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Aelita is as stubborn as ever. She hates going to bed and will scream and cry until she finally falls asleep. She's always hungry. She also loves going to the pool and playing in the water. Aelita also loves playing on the little playground that is right outside our apt door.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fun Aelita Phrases
Aelita has come up with so pretty fun sayings lately.
when ever Aelita gets out of the water whether it be the pool or the bathtub she'll look at her hands and feet and then say " Mommy my hands and feet are broken" then a few minutes she'll come back and say "mommy my hands are all fixed"
when ever Aelita gets out of the water whether it be the pool or the bathtub she'll look at her hands and feet and then say " Mommy my hands and feet are broken" then a few minutes she'll come back and say "mommy my hands are all fixed"
Thursday, August 6, 2009
my little monster
Aelita is being a little monster lately she's always screaming won't listen to me or my roommate or anyone else for that matter i'm not looking forward to see how she acts at church on sunday since i normally have to take both girls out during sacrament meeting as it is. She is however getting better about taking naps with out too much of a total breakdown. She enjoyed staying in the hotels while we we driving out to utah although she did manage to scrap her leg on the desk at on of the motels while she was climbing up it after being told to stay down about 4 times. i'll post pics when i get a usb cord for my camera
Thursday, July 23, 2009
aelita's new phrases
Aelita is a very vocal child now and the only time she's quite is when she's sleeping. here are some things she's saying now
what you talking about
it's all your fault
kiana did it
kiana climb out of her highchair
it's kiana's fault
i'm not going to bed
it's not dark
look at all the trees mommy
i don't want to go potty!
that's all i can remember at the moment but as you can tell she has a habit of blaming every thing on kiana
what you talking about
it's all your fault
kiana did it
kiana climb out of her highchair
it's kiana's fault
i'm not going to bed
it's not dark
look at all the trees mommy
i don't want to go potty!
that's all i can remember at the moment but as you can tell she has a habit of blaming every thing on kiana
Friday, July 17, 2009
A week with gama
Aelita was so excited to pick up gama at the airport last thursday so excited in fact she ran to the escalater and tried to go up it when she saw gama come down. She's such a grandma's girl. Sunday she goes back to maryland and Aelita will me such a sad little girl.
in other Aelita news she can now say her name athough it comes out lita chelle parker kinda funny to hear her say until she gets mad at us for having her repeat it over again. she's also working on her preschool skills and tracing her letters and always saying that she has to do her homework.
Aelita has also started waking up at 1:30 every night and i have no clue why. hopefully she'll start sleeping through the night again and soon.
in other Aelita news she can now say her name athough it comes out lita chelle parker kinda funny to hear her say until she gets mad at us for having her repeat it over again. she's also working on her preschool skills and tracing her letters and always saying that she has to do her homework.
Aelita has also started waking up at 1:30 every night and i have no clue why. hopefully she'll start sleeping through the night again and soon.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday Aelita

I know this is way late but Aelita is now three. We went to maryand for the weekend and had her party up there. She had a lot of fun and got lots of stuff. She had a princess party with a princess cake and all kinds of princess things. not to mentions most of her presents had some thing do do with princesses. She is such a girly girl...and she loves pink

Aelita's Princess cake




Aelita and Kiana
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Aelita is so active lately.She can't seem to sit still at sacrament or any where else for that matter she's always on the go. She's so excited to be going to maryland for her birthday in two weeks. I can't believe that she's going to be 3 in two weeks. She's also excited to start head start in the fall.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
my little princess
Aelita is getting to be such a big girl. She's always learning new things every day. She always comes up with the funniest things. She also has an imangary monkey friend that she talks to all the time and blames for the disaster area that she calls a bed room. She still won't go potty when mommy is home but goes all the time on days that i work. She also likes to go around singing songs from High School Musical 2 and 3 if she had the 1st one i'm sure she'd be singing those songs too. She's always saying that she wants to go to school and have her princess party. She also loves going to the bank and putting her money into her account. She is growing up way to fast. I love her so much and am so glad that i'm her mommy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
chatter box
Aelita is now a chatter box...she never stops talking. Which is good i guess considering she wouldn't talk forever. She's always saying the sillest things sometimes too. She likes to quote lines from movies her favorite is "15 puppies we have 15 puppies" from 101 dalmations. She also runs around singing "animal crackers in my soup" Curly top and "good ship lollipop" from Bright eyes both are shirley temple movies that she loves. Her newest quote is "mommy i don't have time for this" or "mommy guess what,I love you" She's so cute and fun i love her so much.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Almost 3 years old
Aelita will be 3 next month.Where does the time go. I can’t believe that 3 years have gone by already.Here are some pix from the years.
She’s getting so big. She loves to play outside. She loves t-ball,soccer and field hockey. Aelita also loves anything princess and Tinkerbell.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Aelita is getting so bossy lately. she's always trying to tell mommy and sissy what to do. she's still not really cooperating with the whole potty training process which is starting to get really agravating. she's also getting to be a pretty good big sister she tries to baby kiana when she gets in trouble
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
almost 3
In just 2 short months Aelita will be turning 3. I can't believe it. the time goes by so fast. She loves princesses and did i end up with a girl who is such a girly girl? I love her to death though. She is my crazy child. she drinks water with pickle juice in it and loves to sleep on the floor. She also has a wild streak in her.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Another ER Visit!

So as for the last post the ER trip wasn't avoided. I ended up taking her Monday afternoon. She hadn't eaten at all Saturday night or all day Sunday and Monday she didn't eat all morning or afternoon....until of course we got to the ER and they gave her sprite and graham crackers. She also had diarrhea the whole time. the doc just said that it was a virus and that she was almost over it. yea that was she's eating but still not like she used to and she still has the diarrhea it's slowly easing up though. The stupid docs out here dont' listen at all to the parents...I asked them to draw blood to see if she had a low immune system and they wouldn't even look to see what or why my baby is always getting so sick.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
sick again

Aelita is sick again. I knew something was wrong when we told her to go eat and she said no i want to go to bed and then went to bed with out eating and slept the whole night. today when i got home from work she was running a fever of 101.3 so i gave her some motrin and let her watch clifford while i ran to wal-mart to get her some crackers and her some goober pb&j the only way i can get her to eat it. She ate two extreamly small bowls of soup and drank some water and was ready to go back to bed after sleeping almost all day long.I'm just hoping that we can avoid an ER trip. we're so tired of seeing hospitals, but of course i will do what ever it takes to get my baby girl all better.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Terrible twos no doubt :(
Aelita is definitly in the terrible 2s although now i'm thinking it's more like the terrible 3s. She's got an attitude like no other and has decided that she doesn't have to listen to anyone. she refuses to go to nursery now and wants to go to primary. ugh what am i going to do with this kid.....I hope all this gets better before she starts school next fall uuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Aelita had a fun easter today. First we went to sacrament meeting at church then she said she wanted to go home so we came home and she sat and watched a movie for a little while and had lunch. Then when nana and papa got home from their church we did a little egg hunt in our yard. Then she got her easter bucket as you can tell she's totally into princesses(every thing she's has for candy is princess) She got a lot of candy a toy and a movie The aristocats (her favorite movie so far) that's she's watching now. She had a good easter.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New phrases from Aelita
Here are some of aelita's new little phrases both good and bad
I told you no remember!
You told me i can't remember
i watch this mom
damn it(trying to break her of this)
i told you turn my light on.
mom i talking to you
why she talking to you mom
that's mine not sissy's
I told you no remember!
You told me i can't remember
i watch this mom
damn it(trying to break her of this)
i told you turn my light on.
mom i talking to you
why she talking to you mom
that's mine not sissy's
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
growing up so fast
Aelita is growing up so fast. She's talking so much more and loves to call people on the phone all the time especially grandma and my friend kelli i think most of the time i catch before she can actually get kelli's number though since she has to figure out the speed dial numbers though. She's always wanting to talk to everyone. I can't believe that she's going to be 3 in just 3 months. she wants a princess party and mom is getting her a 3-d princess castle cake from safeway when we get to maryland
this is the cake aelita said that she wanted. The one she's getting isn't this big and it's pink all of the castle is pink. She'll also be having disney princess decorations. she's way excited to have her birthday in maryland again this year. I can't believe that 3 years has gone by already.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
finally :)
Aelita is all better no more cough, runny nose....nothing. she's finally not sick. now hopefully she stays that way.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
i should have known.....
so Aelita is sick again....something...somewhere is making her sick and i don't know what. I just wish she'd get better soon. I hate it when she's sick, except for the fact that she loves to be cuddled when she's sick. I want my healthy baby back.
Monday, March 23, 2009
back to herself again
Aelita is definitly all better now. She's back to getting into everything and talking back to everyone. She's also eating and drinking normally again and doesn't look so dehydrated anymore.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
she seems to be getting better
Aelita "seems" to be getting better. She didn't have a fever and she didn't look so red when i got home from work to day so luckily this ER trip was postponed hopefully for a long long time. i hate hospitals more then anything and so does she now. but everything seems to be going good so far.
Friday, March 20, 2009
still sick
Well the staph infection seems to be gone but now she has a fever that doesn't seem to go down with the motrin or tylonal. I think that i'm going to take her to the hospital if it doesn't get any better when i get home tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
lil gangster with a staph infection

this is what a staph infection looks like if left untreated it can get in to the bloodstream it can also cause pneumonia and several other illnesses.


This is aelita at the ER yesterday. She looked so cute.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I had to take aelita to the ER once again poor kid....This time a staph infection....i don't have any idea where she got it. The doc said that it might have started as a bug or spider bite.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My little athlete
Monday, March 9, 2009
play time
Today i took aelita outside to play it's finally nice out so we can spend most of the time out there now and she doesnt' have to stay inside. She refuses to ride her new bike but rides her trike all the time. She loves to kick around the soccer ball now and trys to play with my field hockey stuff too. she's so cute outside.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
miss independent
my girl is so independent now...she likes to do everything by herself now. she won't let me get her dressed, strap her into her carseat or anything....where did my baby go.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
my crazy girl
Aelita is so crazy lately.. She has grown up so much. Lately her faviorite thing to do is wake me up on my days off. she does this by coming to my door saying "mommy wake up, mommy wake up" then she'll start saying "mommy WAKE up, mommy i want to eat, MOMMY GET UP I WANT MY CEREAL" so needless to say i don't get to sleep in past about 6am unless she for some reason sleeps in.....
Oh...her other faviorite thing to do is watch movies as you can tell she has quite a few..however,the only ones she wants to ever watch is tinkerbell, wall-e, bug's life and Horton hears a who.

Oh...her other faviorite thing to do is watch movies as you can tell she has quite a few..however,the only ones she wants to ever watch is tinkerbell, wall-e, bug's life and Horton hears a who.
Friday, February 27, 2009
my little pain
Aelita is getting too smart for her own good. She is always trying to correct her sister. She as a fasination with shoes and backpacks and we have a ton of both. She also loves to watch movies. her favorite right now is tinkerbell and high school musical 3. I can't believe that she's going to be 3 in 4 months.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
sick again
It seem like just as she finally gets over being sick she gets sick again. She's back to pulling at her ear, running a fever with a runny nose and cough. to make things worse she got herself bit by a dog after she was pulling on it all day.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
poor kid
Aelita has been so sick lately. she has just gotten over a double ear infection,bronchitis, and pneumonia. She starts wearing glasses as soon as they come in and wednesday night her puppy bear was killed by his momma so she's had a pretty rough past couple of days.
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